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88 Front Stabilizer

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I'm with Hornbrod on avoiding drilling through the frame. If the broken bolts are stick out from the frame surface, you may be able to weld nuts on them and get them out. Otherwise, try drilling them out and cleaning the threads up with a tap. Start with a small drill and work your way larger until you can see the edges of the threads. Then use a starter tap to try to clear whats left of the bolt out of the threads.

Best case, the remains of the old bolts will come out and you can keep it stock.

Worst case, you'll have to drill through and use the longer bolts. If so, be careful that you don't over-torque and distort the frame section.

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Main thing here is to get the drill started dead center. Other wise you will be drilling into the nut threads. Rather than drilling up into the upper frame and using longer bolts, I would drill and tap for the next larger diameter bolt. Another alternative would be to drill out the old bolt and if you can't salvage the old nut then use another one, nut, on top of the old one.

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