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Trans Pan Gasket

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i have an 87 2.5 4x4 with an auto trans. the trans pan gasket is leaking. looks like it's just permetexed on. should i buy the gasket and use it by itself or just the permetex or both? looks like a pretty straight forward job. any thing i should be concerned aboutwhen doing it?

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Just did a fluid and filter change this past weekend. Bought the gasket and filter from RockAuto, ATP B112 comes with a gasket.


I have a 91 4.0L Auto, and the pics look like my pan but wouldn't go by my eyes.


It was pretty easy, actually real easy because I had my son wrenching! I squeezed the trans cooling lines at the snap connected and they came right out. Also, removed the trans line bracket at the trans housing to let the lines swing out of the way.


I couldn't get the filler tube to separate from the pan, so I got to the bolt that secures the filler tube and pulled everything down and out. Once you get the pan cleaned up you can take the assy to the vice and work them apart. Going back in I installed the filler tube after them pan went back in.

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aw4.   lucky duck!    do the filter kit (comes with gasket), drain it, permatex on the trans and pan, then sandwich the gasket in there.

why am i the lucky duck? is this engine/trans combo rare? is the aw4 the desirable trans?

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Yeah, the AW4 is fantastic. Earlier 4cyl autos got the TorqueFlite 3-speed which made it even more of a dog. Don't let it get too hot and it'll last dang near forever.


And a 2.5/AW4 truck, especially with your options, represents maybe 1/100th of a percent of all the MJs out there.

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Yep, if having the shifting done for you is your thing. 95% of 2.5 MJs/XJs came with AX4-AX5 manuals. The AW4 is probably more reliable than any of the manuals that were ever offered for any of the engines, particularly the AX-4 (early 2.5 manual) and BA-10/5 (early 4.0 manual) and if a 4.0 can't hurt an AW4, a 2.5 definitely can't.

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yup, thats the one to have. Having owned almost 30 mj's, ,i've never had one with a 2.5/aw4...that was 87 only option, and one I didn't think they ever put in an MJ


That trans from pump back is the same as the trans from a 4.0, so if you ever grenade it, you can buy one from a 4.0 powered xj or mj, swap torque converter (well, replace with new) and bell housing, and bolt it up to your 4 cylinder. it's strong, stout, and damn near indestructible

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