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Perkins Diesel

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Anybody got any opinions on how this would work for a MJ swap? It's about 50 miles from here.


jrd75-3726463861@sale.craigslist.org [?]flag [?] : miscategorized prohibited spam best of

Posted: 2013-04-06, 8:08AM MDT

perkins diesel 4 cyl. engine - $750 (manzanola,co)

4 cylinder deisel engine and trans complete, including wiring.out of cat forklift, runs good. 750.00 obo. 7204047442

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The ol memory's crappin out on me. It can use all the help it can get. Was talking to a fella awhile back.  Came up with 173792 Remington Rand. He asked "whats' that?"  I replied, "the serial number and manufacturer of a M1 rifle I carried in Korea in 1953. And I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning." He replied, "Sometimes the circumstances makes some things easier to remember than others. You remember the important at the time and don't worry about trivial things." The mind is really a complex piece of machinery. :???:

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