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Sun Roof Or Moon Roof Window In?

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My opinion, worth no more than the ink it took to write it, is that's a bad idea for 4 reasons:

1) is isn't original

2) it introduces yet another source for leaks

3) it possibly weakens the cab

4) when you get old and lose your hair it will sunburn your scalp

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It won't weaken the cab. all the supports are in the corners. nothing but sheet metal above your head. I say if ya like it then go for it. The joys of owning vehicles is doing what YOU want to them. not what people think you should do.

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:agree: Do what you want to your own rig, but if you are not skilled in the install (I'm not) get it done by a pro. The ones that leak were mostly installed by dummies trying to save a buck. MJ sunroofs were never a factory option, they were a dealer installed option. I had one put in a few years back by the same guy that did the installs for most of the the Southeastern US Jeep dealers since he was close by. No leaks, no problems, and I enjoy it in the summer.





And to protect your bald head, if you have one, these are available.


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:agree: Do what you want to your own rig, but if you are not skilled in the install (I'm not) get it done by a pro. The ones that leak were mostly installed by dummies trying to save a buck. MJ sunroofs were never a factory option, they were a dealer installed option. I had one put in a few years back by the same guy that did the installs for most of the the Southeastern US Jeep dealers since he was close by. No leaks, no problems, and I enjoy it in the summer.





Your Truck keeps getting more awesome every time I look at it

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Your Truck keeps getting more awesome every time I look at it.


Gracias amigo. :cheers: Not so pretty now since I only wash it once a year and haven't waxed it in maybe four years. But it'll buff out when I get around to it. :yes:

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A couple recomendations for sunroof DIY # 1- mask the perimeter before sealing ( no messy clean up ) #2 do not use RTV silcone sealant / use polyurethane " Marine " sealant ( made for under water and much stronger adhesion ) Thats my $0.02 :cheers:

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