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Fuel Rail Return Line Leak...

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Hey guys, I fired up "Walker" for the 1st time in a couple months and the 1st time after some work under the hood, Everything looks and rus great, however I noticed a slight leak from the connection between the fuel retirn line and the fuel rail. I took apart the quick connect and noticed theres 2 O rings inside in which 1 was torn. So my question is, are those O Rings replaceable in that connector? Being as its a return line and not under large amounts of pressure, simply doing away with the quick connect and hose clamping it to the fuel rail is an option but Id really hate to "rig" something like that on this truck. The line itself is a 1 peice crimped fittings all the way from the rail to the tank and Is not readily available... Thanks for any options!

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AFAIK there should only be 2 o-rings in there. The third item is a hard plastic spacer and should be sandwiched between the 2 o-rings. While the o-rings are easy to find, the spacer is not. So don't toss the spacer. Get Nitrile (Buna-N) o-rings for fuel systems. As told in the link above the clips are available at NAPA, AZone or OReilly's off the rack.


The re-assembly of the connector is thus:


I always soak the o-rings in a little fuel and put a little Vaseline, or KY (whatever is handy, ha ha) into the female end of the connector.(Is it getting warm in here??)


Slide the clip over the fuel line with the "wings" pointing backwards towards the line til it clicks over the ridge on the line, then one of the o-rings, then the spacer, then another o-ring... Then slide the whole assembly in and push it all the way in until it gives you a tiny little "click". Check for leaks. You're done.


According to the FSM the connector, o-rings, spacer etal should be replaced every time the fuel line is disconnected. Do I ? No. But I always carry the clips and o-rings in a special little zip-loc bag in my tool box. If you spring a leak in the middle of nowhere...or anywhere for that matter it's one of those things that needs to be fixed...NOW!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ugh, well it seemed like it all went smoothly, but this evening after a cold prime with the key, the clip popped off again......I'm not sure if i got the wrong size clip or what but i just can't get the setup to "click" and seal. Ill mess with it more (its not like its spring or anything, lol).....but this has become slightly frusturating.

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Sometimes they are a PITA to get in all the way to "click" in, especially the 3/8" size. When they are, I use some fine sandpaper and de-burr the hard line end nice and smooth then some 4-0000 steel wool to polish it up. Reassemble, shoot a drop or two of WD-40 and it should clip right in.

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