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Oops - Jammed Up Transmission

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I was popping clutch in reverse to start because I'm having starter problems. When I popped it, the truck came to an immediate stop without starting, and I can't get it out of gear. I think I had it in 4th instead of Reverse (oops). Now I can't get it out of whatever gear its in, and starting with the starter (it does work, just not well), the truck won't move. Even if its jammed in 4th, I would think I could get a little movement by slowly engaging clutch.


I'm not sure if I broke/bent linkages, or if I screwed up the transmission. Anyone have easier suggestions than dropping the transmission to see what's wrong?

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Pull the shifter out, and see where the linkages are. I somehow, still don't know how this happened, got an AX-5 stuck in 5th with the shifter arm only able to go in the 1-2 and 3-4 sliders. I was able to pop it out of gear by putting the shifter into 3rd, moving it halfway over to 5th (so the arm was in both sliders), and was able to pull them both back into neutral. Trans worked fine after that.

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