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Bench To Bucket Seats


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i havent personally done this swap. ive actually done the opposite, bucket to bench. the previous owner had newer 4 door xj seats in it. he just drilled two holes, diaganol corners from each other, in each floor board, and bent the front two brackets, where the bolts go through, flat and made them fit his holes. the seats fit just fine and everything, but how he had it, instead of the seats having a 3-4 inch slope leaning backwards, they leaned forward that much so the seat was flat and somewhat uncomfortable. i put temporary spacers under each seat to kinda make it sit right but it wasnt what i wanted. and the since the seats didnt fold forward they sucked to put stuff behind. so if i was you i would either find the older xj seats that fit right or do what youre going to, mount them on the bench frame. it would probably sit just fine. I personally like my bench seat now better than i did the bucket seats.

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Hi y'all, so picked up a pair of buckets from a 01 XJ, anyone done this swap? Thinking grind the brackets of the bench and weld to the XJ seat with some obvious mods since its wider, will it be to high in the cab?

Whatever you do, DON'T "grind" anything off the bench. IIRC, the MJ pedestals are simply bolted to the seats. And the pedestals are the same for the bench and for the buckets, except the right side for the bench doesn't have the handle for the fore-aft adjustment.

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