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Just in case any one reasonably close is interested. Jim


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55-57 Chevy and others - $500 (Sof Pueblo)

Date: 2012-08-15, 1:16PM MDT



I am tired of moving and walking over this stuff so am going to try and sell it. I would much rather see someone get some use out of it than scrap it.At one time I ran a auto repair shop. This is stuff left over when I sold out. Most of it is for 50's 60's and 70 cars and trucks. I am not going to inventory it or look for a specific part. Take all or nothing. In the second pic shows 3 fuel pumps and a Melling oil pump for 265 chevy. All new. The power steering pump is a remanufactured unit and I'm not sure but I believe it is also for 265 Chevy. The Hatch engine rebuild kit is for a 472 Cadillac. The pics are showing less than half of everything. Jim 676-7616
















Location: Sof Pueblo

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  hornbrod said:
  COFFMAN said:
carnt see the pics :huh???:

Nor can I. No images in your post Jim. Try reloading them. Or provide a link.

I tried copying the Craigs List link but what you see is all I could get. Might try going to Crags list and under cities, type in Pueblo, Co, auto parts. For 08-15-2012. I'll try again and see what happens.

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