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So... My pedal goes half way to the floor with no resistance & then feels nice and firm. Back brakes seem to be barely working -> Replaced the master cylinder / Wheel cylinder / Pads / Bled the $#!& out of the whole entire system. Still hasn't fixed it..


There's no leaks anywhere & the booster is fairly new & holds vaccum


I'm at a loss.. Any ideas?

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  dave92cherokee said:
Sounds like the rear load sensor isn't working properly or isn't adjusted correctly. There's write-ups on how to remove it and bypass it as well as problems bleeding brakes because of it.


Mind linking me to a guide to remove it?


Crawled under & its not even hooked up / the valve won't even move




Also on the way back from the store about a block from my house drove pass a shiny red 'manche :3


The usual thumbs up / head nod ensued

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  Eagle said:
Lee, meet Jon.


Jon, say "Hello" to Lee.




Sounds like his is the booster since it goes all the way to the ground, Mine gets full pressure at 50% But has Nothing for the first 50% (Although if you pump the first half pedal you can feel the brakes catch for a second)


I popped up the rear end & put it in drive and couldnt even stop the back tire while stomping on the brake :/


Fronts work perfectly.


So assuming i need to replace / remove the back valve?


/e read a guide on how to bleed the second line going to the back. Never knew there was a 'special' bleed method. GOing to try that now

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  hornbrod said:
Did you adjust your rear brake shoes?

I have, Even re-bled the brakes the way the valve guide says.


Still only half pedal /nothing in back.


THink i'm going to just bypass the valve, Can someone link me a guide with what i need to buy / do? Thanks.

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