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temp gauge not working!

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So i got a little problem, bought my jeep a little while back and have been fixing odds and ends on it for a while now. Ever since i bought it my temp gauge has not worked but i just never thought anything about it. Just recently my stock radiator blew a hole in it, so i went out a got a new one. I thought it would be a good time to troubleshoot my non working temp gauge. Long story short i put the new one in and still no temp gauge. I'm still new to the comanche way of doing things lol so any help would be nice...Thanks!

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You should check to see that the temperature switch was replaced with an actual sender. If it has a switch then your gauge won't work, also it could just be that the connector has come loose from the sender.

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If you have a 2.5, the sender will be on the driver's side of the engine block (if you were sitting in the driver's seat), right next to the valve cover. It should have a pink wire with a little L shaped cover running to it.


Should look like this. (switch for a guage, not idiot lights)



If you have a 4.0, it should be near or in the same spot I believe. :cheers:

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If you replaced it with a sender and its still not working then you probably got a bad gauge.

I don't see why you would have replaced it at the same time as the radiator since it is on the rear part of the engine block, just make sure you are talking about the same thing that we are.

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I replaced it. Reason being is when i got the new radiator from the auto store i also told them i needed the sender for my gauge not know what it was that was what they gave me. So i did some searching around and found where it went...hence why it has been replaced lol. So say i do have a bad gauge am i going to have to replace the whole gauge cluster?

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  buck_hunter said:
So say i do have a bad gauge am i going to have to replace the whole gauge cluster?

If you remove the gauge cluster from the dash, the gauge will be held on by 3 screws IIRC. Just un-screw and screw in another one. :cheers:

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Also. i noticed the sensor next to the valve cover which is the coolant temp sensor? so what is the other thing that screws into the drivers side of the radiator with an plastic connector on the end? it also says coolant temp sensor?

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Should be able to get one out of a jy Cherokee of a similar year, I would stay away from 90+ if yours is 90- just to be safe.


-the one coming off of the radiator controls the electric fan on/off

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Back to the topic: Check the gauge wiring between the temp sensor and the gauge first. Turn ignition to RUN (do not start). Remove temp sensor wire connector from the sensor. The gauge should indicate HOT to the right. Then touch the sender wire to ground. The temp gauge should indicate COLD to the left. If the gauge does not react this way you probably have a wiring problem (open circuit). If it does, you probably have a defective sensor.

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  hornbrod said:
Back to the topic: Check the gauge wiring between the temp sensor and the gauge first. Turn ignition to RUN (do not start). Remove temp sensor wire connector from the sensor. The gauge should indicate HOT to the right. Then touch the sender wire to ground. The temp gauge should indicate COLD to the left. If the gauge does not react this way you probably have a wiring problem (open circuit). If it does, you probably have a defective sensor.



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