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Met another MJ Owner today..


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Met the mother and grandmother of a kid with an 88 shortbed today when I left my local H&R Block. The mom was a real nice lady and happened to park next to my Jeep. When I came out, she pointed over to my Jeep and said "Look at that mom! Another Comanche!" and so they went over and started looking at it. :yes:


Went over and started talking with her, getting the skinny on her sons 88 and telling her about my 87. She told me that he had a leaking Master Cylinder, and I told her to get that fixed ASAP, lest he wants to deal with replacing a melted fuse box. Following Pete's advice, I told her to tell him to "Pull the carpet and check for rust, before it's too late."


All in all, it was a pretty cool meeting. Unfortunately, I didn't have a club card on me to give her. :( Oh well.

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