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Radar guns


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Depends on the terrain, and the intensity of the cone (the smaller the emitted cone, the farther it will go). Usually at max intensity and flat terrain the Ka band will go out about 2-3 miles. The Lidar will go as far as the emitted light can reflect back to the receiver lens.


However, its distance value is limited on how far the patrolman can see. If one has a pack of cars travelling together, you have to pick the one that is speeding from the group...usually by the behavior of the driver (switching lanes frequently, following too close, nose of vehicle 'diving' abruptly when brakes are applied, etc).

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My radar detector can pick up the bands way before I can see the guy usually... Mile or so, it will start beeping. That is, if they are lazy. If he's just using the trigger, and hitting you when he sees you, by then that radar detector is only good to let you know your getting pulled over.


What I do know is that when I take the squads out for test drives after I service them, having everyone PEG or UNDERSHOOT the speed limit, as well as Walt Disney at stop signs, I would have so much road rage if I had to sit in one all day.



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What language is that? Cop talk or something? :nuts:



Normally, traffic flows at 5 MPH over the speed limit. Not when people spot a squad. Attitudes change when at a stop sign too. The rolling and short stops become locked up games where no one wants to go until the squad goes first. The officers at work call it "Cop shock".



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What language is that? Cop talk or something? :nuts:



Normally, traffic flows at 5 MPH over the speed limit. Not when people spot a squad. Attitudes change when at a stop sign too. The rolling and short stops become locked up games where no one wants to go until the squad goes first. The officers at work call it "Cop shock".




Its just what I call a PIA. Not a lot of road rage though...I just wave them on.


Jim - if your question is related to a ticket you received, the distance the gun can read is not going to be a defensible point. A much more defensible point would be to find out if the radar operator was certified on the equipment, or if the equipment itself has been certified accurate.


However, don't volunteer information. Too many times I have sat in court and listened to the person who got the ticket testify:


DA: "Please tell me what happened, from your point of view"

Defendant: " Well, I was driving down (fill in road name) and the officer stopped me. He said I was doing 50 in a 35 MPH zone, but I was not going that fast. I was really only going 40 MPH.

DA: So, your Honor, the Defendant has admitted under oath to traveling faster then the speed limit.

Judge: Guilty. Next?

Defendant: (daymn.....)

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Never got no ticket. But the exit from the interstate where I get off is a favorite spottting place for the state police here. If they're parked on the East side you can see them outlined on the horizon. If they're parked on the West side they blend in and you can't see them. Anyway, was just wondering. :popcorn:

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