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awful sound

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i got my MJ back the other day and fixed the shifting problem (the shifter it self was damaged) but there is a ratcheting sound when i make turns and it sounds awful. when i go straight it sounds ok. i have a ax15 tranny and a np242 tc. i had the tc in 2wd, with the cad not locked over to start with, then i locked the cad and still made the sounds, last try i put the tc in 4wd full time and it still made that sound. as far as i can tell the tc was working before it was installed (when i turned the input it worked properly at the various settings.

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I jacked up the Jeep and turned the wheels checking them the joints arent loose. before i took the jeep to the shop i was not having any problems but i had the factory ba/10 and np231.


could the np242 tc be whats making that sound? it only does that when i am in a turn.

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more or less by my self, mom helps with what she can. i jacked up all 4 tires, started the MJ and put in first just to listen to the drive train, also turned the wheel to the far left and right, it didn't make any odd sounds. turned it off and checked everything again, all the joins are good. this started after the new tranny and TC was put in, the old setup was fine, till the BA10 went out.. now i have a AX-15 from a 89 MJ and a 242 TC from a 94 XJ

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