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'nuther coolant question..

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As I'm inspecting the Grey Goose to see what needs attention, I noticed a rubber hose hanging down near the passenger side rear engine compartment and it is not from the evap canister (that had no exhaust hose attached). I trace the hose up to the coolant reservoir bottle. It's the one that connects near the top, next to the cap. On my other truck, this connects to a tee adjacent to the heater valve and the main section comes from the radiator. On this truck, there is no tee or heater valve. I'm sure this is something the PO has done. Is this all screwed up or is it considered an "open system"? Won't the coolant just flow out the hose onto the roadway below?

Correction: Other truck's connects at a Y fitting.


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From what I have researched, the cap itself is designed to allow coolant to flow out if too much pressure builds up inside the reservoir bottle. I have not seen any reference to the coolant system utilizing an overflow hose that leads to the ground. If anyone has insight to my issue, please jump in because I am very uncomfortable driving the truck with this set-up. For what it's worth, there was quite a bit of coolant sprayed along the LCA and frame. I originally thought it was from an old coolant leak but now realize it's coming from this hose.

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Bear with me here, I have never studied the closed cooling system that closely. It seems to me that there should be no coolant overflow, that is the point of the expansion tank. Thus, I speculate the previous owner of the goose was not familiar with the closed cooling system and created an overflow tube which opened the system. When the truck is getting good and hot, the expansion tank is unable to hold pressure and coolant flows out of this tube.


I would try and mimick what your other trucks set up is by using used parts or parts from an auto store.


On an open cooling system, the overflow tank has an extra overflow opening at the top of the tank. In the unlikely event that the overflow tank flows, it will dump the excess coolant on the ground and all over the engine bay.

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