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Power washing/engine/eng compartment? 2.5L

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Hey All,

I am wondering if anyone has a good method for washing the engine/compartment on a 2.5L comanche (Fuel inj) Ive heard mixed things about them being sensitive to water (sensors) etc. Anyone have the straight scoop? Apparently the valve cover had been leaking on the PO for quite some time. Engine is pretty gooped up with caked on oil, as well as the underside of the hood, and various parts of the compartment.... Id like to be able to open the hood and do basic checks without getting covered in grime. :D



Also, which degreaser to use?

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Last time I used Super clean or something like that. It was in a purple jug and the degreaser was purple too. It worked really good, should have worn gloves, my hands peeled for like a week. I've found that a brush of some kind makes a huge difference, and warm water instead of cold.


I power wash my 88 4.0 liter engine bay every couple months it seems like, I've never had any sort of problems with the electronics. I would suggest making sure that your fuse block isn't leaking so you don't open your door to a puddle of water.


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when i first got my freebie 2.5l, one of the first things i did was clean up all that caked up oil and grime. i looked around online first and just simply took plastic bags and covered the carb, the fuse box, and some electrical connectors that looked semi-important. i didnt even seal them or wrap anything up, just put the bag over and covered the stuff. i used a generic degreaser from the auto part store and a regular garden hose. it worked great for the underside of the hood and anything else that was easy to get to. the bags didnt really hold up and eventually were useless but i didnt expect them to do much anyways. i had absolutely no problems starting it afterwards. only thing was, i did a half-@$$ job and missed the bottom half of the motor :shake:

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I spray everything with Gunk, let it sit 15-30 minutes, then wash it off with a garden hose. If there are any really bad places, after spraying with Gunk I scrub it good with a brush. I've also taken them to a car wash. Don't let any Gunk get into the alternator. It will degrease the bearings. Also if the engine is hot, let it cool first. I've never had it happen but there is the possibility of cracking the exhaust manifold if hit with cold water while it's hot. I've also used plain dishwasher detergent. That stuff cuts grease good.

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