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Straightening out an ARB winch bumper...

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I picked an ARB winch bumper today for $100. Its a little tweaked on the drivers side as you can see in the pic. The peak of the crease is approximately 3/4" above where it should be.


Any suggestions on how to flatten it back out to approximately where it should be, so it fits under the header panel? The rest of the damage I can live with [it will match the rest of the body damage].

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It's hard to tell how it's bent in the pic,

but heat is your friend with stuff like this.


If it's not bad, MAPP Gas & a BFH might do the trick,

or if it's extreme,

an oxy acetylene set, patience, and/or something to pull-twist it back into shape.

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you don't need to bend the top back...you need to bend the front back. you need a press, or some other means off pressing the front back...plus heat for the top.




do yourself a favor and lift the bumper. one handed. then come to the conclusion that ARB's look great, but are NOT strong bumpers. then fix it, paint it, sell it to some city yuppie for $700, and buy a real bumper.




I've handled several ARB's. wouldn't put it on anything I expected to hit something with.

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you don't need to bend the top back...you need to bend the front back. you need a press, or some other means off pressing the front back...plus heat for the top.

I came to that conclusion looking at it a little deeper last night.


Is MAPP gas even available anymore? I thought the only company that made it went under in 08.

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I've always understood that ARB bumpers are not designed to be strong. They're supposed to crumple to absorb a front impact, saving the frame or unibody from further damage.



great theory. doesn't work in application.


had one that managed to wreck the winch and spread the frame rails on a '01 TJ. if he had a real bumper, it would have scratched the bumper, and done nothing else.



I LOVE how they look. HATE how much they really just suck.

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