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radiator overflow tank question

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I am wanting to make a diy snorkle for my 86 2.5l mj and noticed that the radiator overflow catch tank is right where i need to make the opening in the fender. What i am wondering is 1. Is this a presurized system? And 2. Can i just find another smaller catch can for the job? Any help apriciated.

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I beg to differ, on my 86 2.5 I ran for a while (months) without a tank. Then I found a universal tank from napa for $8. The only time I ever get coolant in that tank is when I open the rad cap when its hot.

Not tryin to be an @$$ or anything, just sayin my results are not consistant with the last answer given.

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It is pressurized. You can move it but unless you convert to a open system, you can't remove it.

He has a 2.5L. It is NOT pressurized. Move it anywhere you want, and use whatever size will fit.

Good golly gee whiz. Been working on my '87 2.5 all day and I never even caught that. 2.5's ARE NOT pressurized. Unless you seal the hood shut. :doh:

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