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Beautiful horse. My 10 year old daughter does equine physical therapy. She loves horses, when I can afford a place to keep them, I plan to have more horses than jeeps.

Yes she is. You are aware, aren't you, that horses eat more than Jeeps. And unlike Jeeps, they need fed whether you ride them or not. HeHe,

In just the 3 days I've had her you can see the difference. When they unloaded her off the trailer she was scared to death of people. I couldn't approach her or make a sudden move around her. The biggest problem I'm going to have is getting her trust. I can now walk , slowly, while talking, up to her and scratch her nose. A pocket full off carrots and apples helps. She sees the other horses come running up when I whistle. That helps. It's obvious she likes people and wants them to like her. I would just love to take a bull whip to the AH who had her. She is a beautiful, sweet animal and I think she is going to make a great saddle horse.

I have been thinking about starting a equine therapy program for disadvantaged kids and disabled adults. Biggest problem there is I'm to far out in the country. I would have to bring the horses into town. We'll see.

As you can tell by the pics, all my other horses are scared to death of me.

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Jim, you ever read the book by Nicolas Evans, The Horse Whisperer? Great book. I'm reading it again for maybe the third time. It's so much better than the movie was, as books usually are.


Juliet looks like she got a little Appaloosa in her, si? What kind of azzhole would mistreat a horse like that?

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Yes I did. One of the few that I couldn't put down until finished. She is what's called 'Old Line Appaloosa' Direct descendent from Chief Joseph's herd. The US Army killed most of the Appaloossa's in a their effort to conquer Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce who bred them and thought they were good medicine. Any warrior who rode a spotted Appy into battle couldn't be killed by his enemies. Ed probably knows much more about that than I do.

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Juliet's a beaut!

Another book to add to your reading list: "The Soul of a Horse" - http://www.thesoulofahorse.com/NakedHorseBookIntro.htm


Rode some of the Nez Perce trail years back, gives perspective on what Chief Joseph's people went through. They were running a high pace over 1200 miles in very rough terrain, crossing rivers with all their gear and horses and for days straight trying to escape the army.

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I'm not sure on this, sure somebody will correct me if I'm not. There were only two Indian tribes never defeated by the Army and never signed a peace treaty. The Nez Perce of the North West,Washington, Oregon and Idaho, and the seminoles of Florida.

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