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How to add a magnet in side of the diff

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I'm almost done swapping in all the front axle stuff and one of the last things i need to do is put my SOLID diff cover on and fill it up with gear oil. I've heard about having magnets in side of the diff to get any metal that might be floating around. Is there any way to add one? Would it be worth it? Or could it just screw more things up?


Thanks for any help you can give me.



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won't do anything on the fill plug, since the gear lube sits below it.



plug type magnets are only useful when they sit at the drain, which our axles don't have. if your cover has a drain hole, put it there. otherwise, find an adhesive that will be "proofed" (i.e. highly resistant) to gear lube, and glue the magnet as low as you can go inside the diff cover, NOT in the axle housing itself.

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