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Oil Light Question-New Question Added

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After running for awhile, the oil light in my truck has started coming on at stop signs or any time I am under about 15mph. Once it is under load again, the light goes away. My dash is the original dummy dash. New oil and filter. Oil level is good. Any ideas what is going on and how to fix it? Thanks.

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Perhaps the oil pressure switch/sensor is on its way out?


Maybe the oil level is overfilled causing the oil to foam and make the sensor think its low on oil?




Personal anecdotes regarding the two above from previously owned vehicles:

-My 93 Accord had its oil pressure switch fail, causing the oil lamp on the dash to flicker and stay on. Solution: replace the switch.

-My 90 Justy was overfilled by the troglodytes at WalMart which caused the oil to foam and the light to come on. Solution: drain the oil and refill to correct level.

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just a bit over "shouldn't" cause a problem like that in our Jeeps. some cars are very sensitive to it, but I've had a full quart over stock (back when my rear main seal was leaking) and not had any issues.

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Thanks mvusse, I will try a better filter. Pete, I don't have the old filter any longer. Two more questions; one related and one not. Would you replace filter now or could it wait until the next oil change? don't want to blow anything up. Secondly, while searching around the site today, I saw a couple pics of the 2.5L engine and noticed that some (most) of my vacuum hoses are connected wrong or not connected at all. I plan to replace them and run them correctly at some point. Question is what are the advantages to having it all correctly connected? What will the gains be (power, gas mileage, lower operating temp, etc.)? Also any good pictures of a stock 2.5L engine bay focusing on the vacuum hoses would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for all the great information available here. :cheers:

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Don't know much about the vacuum system on a 2.5. I would swap the filter now. As in right now. If the filter is the problem there is no point running it until you damage the engine. If the filter is not the problem you spend $6 or so for the piece of mind that you have a good filter on it that shouldn't fail.


Walmart here in Ohio sells Supertech oil, but only has Fram filters. I wonder if the Supertech filters are just a rebranded Fram.

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