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Recently did a cluster swap, and today I purchased a new coolant sender for the gauge. Unfortunately the old one snapped off while unscrewing it. I tried to get it out using a screw extractor with no luck. I pounded the extractor in enough to punch through the bottom of the old sensor, so now coolant bubbles up.


Any advice on getting the old piece out? Here's a couple pictures of my mess. I took the valve cover and heater hose off for better access with the extractor. The coolant in there is just spillage from me.



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I thought that crap only happened to me. :roll:


This is the only thing that comes to mind right now. What kind of extractor are you using? The square type or spiral type? Try another type. I've got both and sometimes one type grips better than the other. Try heat if you can do so without burning the truck up. Not much to work with, but been there done that.

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try using a square extractor I have found with pipe threads the round extractors spread the fitting tighter into the threads instead of us screwing it. You may need to drill and tap I just don't know where the shavings will go. sorry I'm not mch help.

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Thanks for the advice. I got it out using a square extractor. Just had to take another bracket off to get even better access. Not all the metal made it out though. I'll have to do a coolant flush and hope it clears everything out.

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