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Death wobble!

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is wearing my tires pretty bad, my balljoints are deffinetly due to be replaced. i was just wondering if that would cause this or is there any other reason or part that might be worn out? (just replaced the steering stabilizer in the last couple months) :dunno:

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Any bad suspension part can cause DW, including ball joints. Most cases I have seen generally centered around the trac bar, though. XJ/MJ's seem to have a tendency to wobble out the mounting hole on the subframe, allowing DW to occur even if the joints of the bar itself are good.

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you need to check every part for looseness , including the control arm bolt holes for roundness and last but not least, the dynamic balance of your front wheels. these two things solved dw on my rig after i looked at every thing else. even the bolts were the wrong size for the control arms.

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Another thing to check is your caster angle in your front alignment.... especially if youre lifted at all. Too little caster will allow other worn parts to set off DW easier. When dealing with this, you need to look at the entire combination, and not ignore anything. Wheel balance as said will also set it off if the tendancy is there. Good luck, let us know what you find.

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Death wobble is wearing your tires? HOW? You can't drive a vehicle that has death wobble -- it can't be done. If/when death wobble strikes, the ONLY thing you can do is stop the vehicle. If you can't drive the vehicle, the tires can't wear.


Are you talking about a different issue and calling it death wobble?

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