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jeep electrical issuezzzz

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was driving around, next thing i know my voltage was slowly dropping, got it home, tried starting it quickly after shutting it off and it was too dead to start


i checked the voltage prior to shutting it off and with lights on running it was at like 10.3volts which is less than it should be






what should i be checking? is there an easy way to check the alternators output? does it sound like charging/ alt problems?

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Sounds like an alternator problem. First thing is check the battery. A dead battery will pull the alt output down. If the bat is good then check the alt. A volt meter across the bat terminals should read between 14-15VDC with the engine running. Some purist is going to jump in and say 14.6V. Whatever. Take it to a auto parts store. They can check both bat and alt, free.

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Couple things to check. Is the belt on, and tight?with the key off, not running, is there battery voltage on the red wire at the alternator?the red wire goes to a fusible link. if the link is melted, there will be no voltage to the alternator,and if it is charging, no power will go to the battery. next check the yellow wire, with the key on, should have battery voltage. If it has voltage at those 2 wires, I think it needs an alternator, it's time to take the alternator in to get it checked at the parts store.

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