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this has been a problem ever since i owned this.at idle it will go up and down in rpms.its not bad at all but i know its not right and i just always wondered what it was.no one seems to know.also is a knock senser really need.i don't have a knock but i hear it hurts fuel economy.also what are all you guys gettin fuel milage wise.i got 33s with 4:11 gearing, 4x4, 4.0 renix, and a aw4 tranny and i always leave it in power mode.during summer i got about 14-15 and now durring winter I'm gettin 10-11.maby its just my foot and all the detours i take.But i guess for what it it thats not to bad.

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i got basically same setup but with ax15 tranny only time i did fuel check was highway travel between nc and florida highway miles.

i was running pretty fast 75 to 80 mph according to tomtom anyway. i was getting 15 mpg during that trip

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I may not have the expertise that others seem to have but I had the same symptoms. If your injectors are all in good shape, try replacing the fuel filter. I did mine a couple days ago and the surging seems to have stopped. I never measure fuel consumption so I can't help on that. Good luck!

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