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leaky Injector

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So I was working on the jeep today, cleaning the engine.


I noticed one injector looked really clean. After running engine, I noted it was leaking. I studied the other injectors, and a couple of them leaking near the intake side.


So, I go to get some new seals. The seal kit had 12 round donut seals. The injectors had 1 round donut seal, and one flat round seal on the fuel rail.


I went ahead and used replaced all the seals with the round donut seals, It was hard to get the injectors back into the fuel rail, but I got em in.


So, i go to start the engine, and original leaky injector, is now spraying fuel everywhere.


Do these injectors "Split" open?


I'm going to just replace all the injectors.


Is precision fuel injectors on EBAY good?


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Our member, Brent, set up a deal to get injectors at a discount just by mentioning Comanche Club. Now if I could just remember what he used for a screen name so I could point you at the thread ...


Anybody still have the name of the company and the super-secret code word for the discount?

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Our member, Brent, set up a deal to get injectors at a discount just by mentioning Comanche Club. Now if I could just remember what he used for a screen name so I could point you at the thread ...


Anybody still have the name of the company and the super-secret code word for the discount?



That sounds good, so whats the link...?


Thanks :)

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