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NP 231 T-case linkage bushings

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My NP231 (90, 4.0, AX15) has been getting a good workout with all the snow we've had recently. So far I've had 2 instances where I've unsuccessfully tried to go from 2HI to 4HI. The first time I pulled the lever to the detent and didn't have 4 HI. Cycled the lever again and it went in. This afternoon was the same story except I was able to pull the lever an extra 1/2 back after driving a few hundred feet and felt it pop into 4HI. I'm guessing bad bushings on the T-case linkage.

Any write ups on this and/or P/N for the bushing kit? I'd imagine it's an exercise similar to changing wiper linkage bushings. My search results have all been related to 2 to 4WD conversions.

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I've never done a replacement of the bushings, but I've taken them apart with screwdrivers before. They pop in and out, I would assume that they can be changed out easily, In fact I would guess that getting the linkage off of the body and trans is going to be harder for you than changing the bushings.

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