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treadwright Gaurd Dog MT's

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Anyone here running treadwrights (formerly Hi-tec retreads) on their rigs? I'm a big fan of 'treads and don't want to discuss the pro/cons of them here....just want any input on dealing with treadwright to finalize my decision and drop the $$$ on a set of 31's for the TJ. Couple local guys are running treadwrights and have had noting but good stuff to say about them, FWIW.





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Some of the people I wheel with used the Guard Dog in a 33" and have never had a problem. Too bad they had to abandon that size. Guy I work with runs the 31" on his Dakota and got 3 years out of them on pavement.


Will get a set of 31s for Sparkles once the build is finished.


The tread is a copy of the old Goodyear MT/R.


Don't know about the other ones, though (Crawler MT, Warden AT, ATG, Puma and whatever else they have).

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Thanks Marcel....I'm retiring a set of BFG AT's that I bought used and still got 40K road miles on, and were about the best tire I've ever driven on in snow before. I was gonna get the treadwright BFG knockoffs (Warden) to replace them (buddy of mine is running them on his f/s pickup and loves them) but for $10 per tire I think I'm gonna go with the Gaurd Dog MT/s. I don't see my TJ being a DD for much longer, prolly gonna try to find a later model XJ for that duty, and maybe start having a bit more fun with the TJ (well, as much as can be expected....it's a 2.5L gutless wonder on the highway :D )



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