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Just wondering...

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I was just wondering, when you pull off one of your brake drums and all the parts fall on the ground in a pile of twisted metal thats bad right? :ack:


Something (fresh toolmarks in the area) tells me the PO knew about it and sold it to me like that anyway, without even warning me. Glad the asshat valued the $900 I gave him for the truck more than peoples safety :fs1:


Anyhow, all is safe. I just need to go fetch a whole pile of new parts.


Have a good weekend, I'll get off my soapbox now.

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I was just wondering, when you pull off one of your brake drums and all the parts fall on the ground in a pile of twisted metal thats bad right? :ack:


meh, that's fairly normal for up north. :( My 88 came to me that way. stuff rusts away and if the previous owner never checked them, then they are passed on to the new owner.


before you spend a small fortune on brake parts, what rear axle is it? what gear ratio? this might be a prime time to try and upgrade with your money rather than just replacing what was there.

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The only reason I think he knew of them is that there were fresh looking tool marks under the hub. Kinda like someone opended it up, poked at the mess a bit, and then closed it back up. :dunno:


As to the rear end, I have one of these...


http://deceptivelyrandom.files.wordpres ... to0221.jpg (which is too large to host here so I put it on my blog. I'll replace the link with a resized image later today)


Not exactly sure what I have here, other than a leaking differential (added to growing list of stuff to fix)


I might just get new brake shoes/adjusters/spring kits and go from there. Depends on what I find out about the rear axle from you folks. :thumbsup:

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It's a Dana 35. :(


since the truck is a 4.0/auto, it should have 3.55 gears in it. be sure to price out everything it needs and then compare that to a buying a late model XJ axle to put in. It pains me to see money thrown at a 35. :(


or better yet, I would contemplate an upgrade, either in strength or in gear ratio (or both :brows: )

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