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My 88 Comanche died driving home tonight.

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Perhaps someone could give some advice why my pickup died.


I was just driving home and the engine died out. Started it again it rev'd up about once and died again. Did this about 6 to 10 times.

Managed one time to get it off the road.

I was thinking either fuel pump or that cps thingy.


I crawled under and gave the fuel pump line connected at the tank a couple of whacks. After a couple of tries the engine sort of start then as I sort of drove off, the engine perked up and off I went. Managed to go all the way home ( 5miles) without incident.


I turned the engine off then turned on the ignition to listen to the fuel pump whining up at the tank. But I didn't hear it, just light clunk under the hood. I have noticed this last year sometimes the after turning on the ignition the pump makes a nice continuing whur, sometimes choppy sputtering noise.


If someone would like to give there opinion, I'd appreciate it.


Once again the Jeep got me home.



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This morning turned on the ignition, heard pump cranking up.

I've got trip out of town tomorrow, hopefully I'll get this figured out today.



1988 Comanche

over 500, 000 kms

E'gad I'm using a FRAM

oil filter!

Got a full tank of gas to boot.

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Thanks for the input guys.


I changed that resistor not to long ago with a used one. I'll keep an eye on it.


I checked the connector for the fuel pump, looks great. Did a resistance check on the wires, to ground good and about 80 ohms through the pump.

Pulled the fuel filter, it's not that old but lots of junk came out of it. I'm hoping maybe it was plugged up enough that it choked the motor last night. Pump sounded better on start up, maybe I got a better connection by pulling and putting back that connection.


I'm heading south out of Calgary to Brooks tomorrow, hopefully I'll make it there and back without incident.


Thanks again,


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