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Would I benefit from putting my rear axle below the springs?

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Just wondering what the pros n cons are of this common mod.

Would it be a useful mod on my camper hauling MJ? And what's involved to do the job?

Just thinking about possible suspension mods 'cos I blew out one of the air springs again this weekend. No suprise really, I was wheeling up an undeveloped trail with a camper on board :fool:


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i don't think it would because you wouldnt want 5+ inches of life carrying a camper. all a spring over does is give you lift


...and a hole in your bank acount from all the other parts for the front. Trac-bar, control arms, drop pit, etc.

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OK thanks for the feedback guys. I have addaleafs already so extra HD airsprings or another leaf seems the way to go. Then I can break the rear axle instead :yes:



Why are you wheeling with a camper :dunno:
Because wheeling undeveloped trails without a camper is just too easy in an MJ :brows:
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