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Not a happy starter

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went to change out the valve cover gasket today, but i couldn't get the back bolt, so i put it all back together. The only line i removed was the one running from the cover to the intake manifold, a vacuum line i think. Now when i start it, it runs real rough and then settles out, but its bothering me now, it also does this when i start it after sitting a while. CPS? not sure though

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I have a '89 2.5 that did that. Start it every day no problem. The longer it sat the harder it was to start. Sit for 3 days it was almost impossible to start. I disconnected the CPS plug and reconnected it. No brake cleaner or nothing, just unplug and replug the connector. Haven't had any trouble since. Jim

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Is this the CPS, i just looked quick an its the only thing i could find on the bell housing. If it is, how do i take it apart, its raining right now and i didn't get a chance to really look at it

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