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DRB II question

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...I picked up a DRB II with Super Chip plus the Jeep Renix adapter. Reason is I am tired of chasing my @ss over this low idle issue and figured atleast with this I can run the sensor tests and engine diagnostics..

I hooked it up last night and tester worked fine..even ran the engine diagnostics...engine tested fine.

That was all I got to before my teenagers ruined my night.

My question is this. Uner the 89 jeeps there is no MJ 4.0 listed. I chose the 89 XJ 4.0....and would ssume since it is the same Renix engine it should be fine. This was the engine I chose when I ran the diagnostics and it tested fine.

Anyone know for sure if this is correct...there is no MJ on the DRB II and so it is fine to use the XJ 4.0 Renix mode?

I am going to test the sensors tonight....especially the TPS as the the Renix manual I have does not use the .8 volt method for calibrating the TPS so I am going to use the DRB which the manual states is the preferred method.


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...well maybe it is not supposed to be. It does plug in. It has the Renix 4.0 engine for 89...but only listed under the Cherokee?

It did run through the engine test fine...it prompted me to do all the idle tests etc and never had an issue?

I have two OEM service manuals and they call out the DRB II in the tests.


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I picked it off of Ebay. i waited until I could find them in good condition ( most were trashed) I had to buy them seperate....DRB II from one seller and Jeep Adapter from another. Both are in very good condition.

I paid about $350.00 for both plus shipping which was not much extra.

DRB did not have instructions however the unit walks you through the tests. I am tired of shotgunning sensors replacements...I could have simply bought these two at first and broke even at this point:-)


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I always go back and forth purchasing one of the old DRB II units since I own a couple of early 90's Mitsubishis that use the same tool. I've also tossed around the idea of the Snap-on MT-2500 unit since that claims it can do the same vehicles and years as the Chrysler DRB II tool, plus a heap of others (in general, it also costs less) - just want a clarification that it can do Renix-era Jeeps...

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...well I know it will do Renix 4.0 now.

I am not sure if it HAS TO HAVE the superchip installed...but all the ones I see have them in anyway. I do not know what extra vehicles the superchip adds verses without it.

I am sure you already know but it is the adapter that is also need for the Renix jeeps.

I will play with it more tonight...I want to do the sensor tests tonight if I have the time.

I ran out of time last night.


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My question pertained to the Snap-On diagnostics tool. I know the Chrysler DRB II tool will work with the Renix-era Jeeps (with the appropriate adapter), but the Snap-On tool just makes a blanket statement that it can do Jeeps up to 2001, going all the way back to 1980. There were a lot of on-board diagnostic changes throughout those years, so I'd want someone to give me verbal clarification that it works with their Renix-era Jeep :)


I've been seeing them pop up used all over the place between $200-$400 with a ton of cartridges, cables, and a case. I'm also aware of the (un)reliability of the Chrysler DRB II tool. One guy on my Mitsubishi forums said he went through three of them on e-bay before he got one that worked...about $700 down the tubes he said.

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...ahhh....gotcha. Yah I heard similar issues with ones off Duh-bay. I waited until atleast i saw one that was not trashed to heck. Still I was a bit uneasy until it arrived.

Actually ...once I get the issues with mine resolved and running right I will probably sell the DRB and Adapter. I really did not have extra cash to buy it but figured buy it...diagnose it correctly and sell it off for my cost. Break even in the end and get her fixed right.....is worth the money.


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