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Slow Acceleration + Breaking Issue

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So after all of the madness with blow by, getting parts, getting them installed and cleaning all the rocker arms for good measure I've finally got the jeep on the road. It's been a week and no major problems, although I'm kind of scared as to when it's going to die.


Mostly because of this: when the Jeep has been sitting for a few hours, not being driven something occurs to where when I start it up, and get to driving around it almost doesn't accelerate at all from an idle position. It even sounds like it's going to just shut off (which it has done three times in the last week). Other times, it just takes it a few feet of motion then shoots off like a rocket after sitting at long stop lights.



I've also got a breaking issue, same thing if it's been turned off for a few hours, I'll be driving about and when I apply the breaks it'll slow down then make a very loud oomf, or soft knock sound and jerk into a sudden stop. I'm pretty sure I just need new breaks for this problem so it's not as pressing.


Any help would be appreciated

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, I hate to bring up a dead thread but it's happening again,I got the breaking problem fixed (the shoes were cracked). The problem virtually went away, but I'm noticing a peculiar pattern thanks to the inherent nature of ridiculous south carolina weather.


When it's cold outside, the problem where the Jeep barely moves when pressing the gas, then suddenly speeds forward is almost non-existent. But when it's warm outside (like today, when I went to work), the problem returns almost every time. At night, when it's cool and I go to the store or to a bar, it drives absolutely fine.

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