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1987 Jeep Comanche 2WD I6

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Hello all. I am having some problems with my truck and was needing some help. I am leaking fuel from somewhere and not sure how to fix it. i have had the engine running and looked and saw nothing dripping, spraying or leaking from inside the wngin compartment. I am thinking it is something to do with the fuel line form the tank to the engine. Anyone know the specifications on the fuel line for an 87 Base model?

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A couple typical spots for leaking are the bottom of the tank (usually due to rust), the back side of the tank (rust again), the fittings as they enter the fuel tank (the metal lines can crack with age), the rubber lines coming fromt he fuel tank, the fill line coming fromt he fuel tank, and the rubber lines as the go in and out of the fuel filter.

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The fuel lines them selfs are stainless steel, but the weak spot is the connectors, like the rubber line at the fuel filter, the rubber lines that connect to the main SS line. The steel lines coming out of the fuel tank, supply and return, which can leak around the lock ring, and the O ring at the fuel tank / sending unit (pump and sender unit) this is a more likely place you will find a leak.


Or, the gas tank it's self could be leaking. I've seen several kind of "sweat" gas out of the tank, cause the tank is so weak from rust.


It's best to just get under the truck and do a good inspection, if you can not see anything, turn the ignition key to the "On" position, and that will run the fuel pump, and help with finding a weak line.


And........welcome to the CC :D


And Pete beat me to the answers..........again ;)

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Yea, I know your 'out of town'........but what's this, something new, you just walk around the neighborhood looking for a connection????


Guest you got to find a Starbuck's or a truck stop down that way to get back on line :teehee:

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  Pete M said:
Which is surprising since I'm out in the driveway trying to find some wi-fi (with the laptop sitting on the Liberty's hood). :typing:


Better batten down the hatches Pete - some hellacious rains are coming your way............. :eek:

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