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HELP!!! clutch

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Ok so driving home tonight and my truck didnt want to shift. So i almost didnt get home. the truck will not turn off when i remove the key now. and if i am sitting still and press the clutch all the way down it does not disengage my clutch all the way does some but it will not enouph for it to go in gear.


Do we have cable or hydrolic clutches. Really need help this is my daily driver. could it just be fluid the pedal pushes down really easy.



Had to speed shift all the way home and when i stopped i was screwed luckily i turned off and went down hill so i could speed shift it.


All the help is greatly appriciated.

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You post a question at nearly midnight and then wonder why no responses at nearly 3:00AM... :rotf:


The clutch is hydraulic. Open the master cylinder and see if there is fluid in there. If not, fill it up with brake fluid, put the cap back on and pump the pedal a few times and hopefully it will come back to life. If it does, then you need to find out where you are losing the fluid from. I had the same issue and had to replace the slave cylinder. I ran it that way for a few months just keeping a bottle of fluid in the truck at all times and had to teach the wife how to do it too in caase she was out alone and it happended ;)

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  BLHTAZ said:
You post a question at nearly midnight and then wonder why no responses at nearly 3:00AM... :rotf:



Ah, yea, I don't think anyone is one this channel 24/7 :hmm:


Well........maybe a couple of people :roll:


And Taz's info is what your looking for..........Check under the truck, front of the bell housing for fluid leaking out, good chance your internal slave has bit the dust. Check under the dash, above the fuse box, on the firewall for any fluid leaking out of the back side of master cylinder. And that will give you an idea what happen to the clutch.

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haha ... Sorry about wanting road side service guys. But it was only like 9:00 when i posted that last night. so i don't understand is my computers time wrong or is the forums ?


But I really appriciate the help and i am going out side to check it now guys.


Been on a few forums and this on is the most laid back and has the nicest people. Have been flamed alot before on a forums for grammar and stuff. i am 18 i text a lot i am sorry that my computer grammar is not perfect. :) thanks guy.

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You have to set the time to read correctly for you in your profile under board preferences ;)


I am posting this at 1:36 PM EST ... your post prior to mine was at 12:34 PM EST :thumbsup:


Let us know what you find with the fluid.

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i got the same problem i need a slave. but it leaks bad i always have to add it b4 i even strt it b4 school after school after work everything its a pain but jus start it up pump the crap outta it and drive. but get a new one ive drove mine like 300 miles and I'm waitin for it to jus give out.

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ok well you guys helped me out hardcore


Went out side had no fluid so i had my cousin who offered to help. me and him bled the whole system got what nasty fluid that was in there left out and all new in. I can drive the truck now but it does not shift as well as it used to so i think i need a slave.


I can buy a whole new slave for 90.00 or i can get a slave kit for 20.00 would the kit fix it ?


I do not think i have a leak barely at all i just think i didnt check it for a while and it slowly lost it. Thank you guys alot for helping me out i was lost and appriciate the help


But let me know what you guys think of the slave kit vrs the whole thing i know it is better to just replace but i am looking fora job right now so trying to just get by until i get some cash flow thanks

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ok well you guys helped me out hardcore


Went out side had no fluid so i had my cousin who offered to help. me and him bled the whole system got what nasty fluid that was in there left out and all new in. I can drive the truck now but it does not shift as well as it used to so i think i need a slave.


I can buy a whole new slave for 90.00 or i can get a slave kit for 20.00 would the kit fix it ?


I do not think i have a leak barely at all i just think i didnt check it for a while and it slowly lost it. Thank you guys alot for helping me out i was lost and appriciate the help


But let me know what you guys think of the slave kit vrs the whole thing i know it is better to just replace but i am looking fora job right now so trying to just get by until i get some cash flow thanks

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I have never heard of a "slave kit" :dunno:

I would not risk it...especially with the internal slave that requires removal of the tranny to get to. Buy the slave through a dealership, not an aftermarket source. I tried the afternarket thing...and like many others, I was very disappointed to find that I had to buy another from the dealer to get a good one.

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I have never heard of a "slave kit" :dunno:

I would not risk it...especially with the internal slave that requires removal of the tranny to get to. Buy the slave through a dealership, not an aftermarket source. I tried the afternarket thing...and like many others, I was very disappointed to find that I had to buy another from the dealer to get a good one.

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Well i wasnt really going "aftermarket" it was just the local parts house. don't think it would be an upgrade or anything. and its the boots and the springs and stuff to rebuild it. but once again you guys no more than my i am an automatic guy never messed with a stick. drove them just never messed with em.


And another thing you say you h ave to remove the tranny to replace it? i was looking at it and it looked like i could take two rear bolts and slide it out. But that was just a peak and i have not done so before so your probably right.

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Well i wasnt really going "aftermarket" it was just the local parts house. don't think it would be an upgrade or anything. and its the boots and the springs and stuff to rebuild it. but once again you guys no more than my i am an automatic guy never messed with a stick. drove them just never messed with em.


And another thing you say you h ave to remove the tranny to replace it? i was looking at it and it looked like i could take two rear bolts and slide it out. But that was just a peak and i have not done so before so your probably right.

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I was ASSuming that you have the internal slave like most of us. If you have an external (5" long cylinder mounted on the lower left of the tranny), then it is an easy change by just removing the two bolts/nuts as you have said :thumbsup:

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I was ASSuming that you have the internal slave like most of us. If you have an external (5" long cylinder mounted on the lower left of the tranny), then it is an easy change by just removing the two bolts/nuts as you have said :thumbsup:

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