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XJ Add-a-leafs

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I just need to boost the rear of the xj a bit. Whats the bad points about add-a-leafs? I don't want to make a d@mn'd big fuss just something quick and simple. I think maybe 2" higher in the arse end would be about right. I'd have to replace bolts?? What else you think? TIA, jt

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An AAL is adding height by using a higher spring-rated leaf to compensate for the additional height that you're trying to achieve. This means that the added leaf has to be much stiffer in order to lift the vehicle. You are asking this one leaf (per side) to not only lift and support the vehicle but it also has to deal with the resistance of the less curved stock spring pack. This often leads to many issues down the road, typically a very saggy factory pack after awhile. If it's just a temp. fix for awhile your fine, but I wouldn't run them forever. So as long as you realize to begin with that they may have side effects down the road (aka sagging again) and it's not going to be used for much offroading you'll be fine.


Another option is a set of extended shackles. I'd honestly run an AAL on the factory packs before I put a longer shackle on them though.


If you pull your factory packs apart you should use a new center pin, and you should also replace the u-bolts as you should NEVER re-use u-bolts after they've been on an axle for any period of time.


With that being said, I've got a set of new 2" XJ AAL's that I'm honestly tired of tripping over. I'll let them go for cheap if your interested. Includes new center pins. PM for more info if your interested.

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Definitely AAL.


Get a used pair of XJ rear springs, take the main leaves and cut the eyes off, and use them as AALs. You'll need new center pins and a few rebound clips, available from www.huskyspring.com . That should give you about 1-1/2 inches.


If you want a bit more, Rancho's full-length AAL for the XJ gives you 2 to 2-1/2 inches. Personally, I prefer to use the XJ main leaves because the arch matches the rest of the spring pack, so you don't have the AAL fighting the rest of the pack.

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  Eagle said:
Definitely AAL.


Get a used pair of XJ rear springs, take the main leaves and cut the eyes off, and use them as AALs. You'll need new center pins and a few rebound clips, available from http://www.huskyspring.com . That should give you about 1-1/2 inches.


If you want a bit more, Rancho's full-length AAL for the XJ gives you 2 to 2-1/2 inches. Personally, I prefer to use the XJ main leaves because the arch matches the rest of the spring pack, so you don't have the AAL fighting the rest of the pack.


I guess I could do that, but its just a lil more then what I'm wanting to do. I just don't have the means to cut through any cold rolled steel, and heck if I can get a set of AAL's for a good deal then that'll be good nuff until I decide on where this Jeeps direction is going. I know I won't be cutting it up like that Ol' Dirty Canuck..... well for now that is.. :popcorn:

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