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aw4 only manual shift

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  • 2 weeks later...

update now...  been busy ... then recovering...  Lift repair (replace 20 y.o. hydraulic hoses)

it's been years since i have been up and down a 12ft ladder so much....


so today I replaced the Neutral Safety Switch on the AW4,  with lift it was not "too" bad of a job.


Mixed results...  I do NOW have reverse lights, and no-start in 'gears', and start only in N or P ( did not have reverse lights initially):banana:


but..........  made zero difference in transmission  :confused::(

"still" tries to start in probably 3rd gear with selector in D,  and when i manually shift to 1, i get 1


was tired so walked away from it.  I think next is to go back a few posts and


Key ON  C234 not connected to TCU

Gearshift  "1" position

c234 D7-C8  voltage?

Gearshift  "D" position

C234 D7-C9   voltage?


tired today... will drop lower dash again tomorrow and test unless something else is suggested...

 i have since also installed new positive and negative battery leads and cleaned grounds.



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On 10/23/2024 at 5:06 PM, Ωhm said:








Seems like NSS needs some looking at.


On 11/4/2024 at 3:24 PM, llhat said:

update now...  been busy ... then recovering...  Lift repair (replace 20 y.o. hydraulic hoses)

it's been years since i have been up and down a 12ft ladder so much....


so today I replaced the Neutral Safety Switch on the AW4,  with lift it was not "too" bad of a job.


Mixed results...  I do NOW have reverse lights, and no-start in 'gears', and start only in N or P ( did not have reverse lights initially):banana:


but..........  made zero difference in transmission  :confused::(

"still" tries to start in probably 3rd gear with selector in D,  and when i manually shift to 1, i get 1


was tired so walked away from it.  I think next is to go back a few posts and


Key ON  C234 not connected to TCU

Gearshift  "1" position

c234 D7-C8  voltage?

Gearshift  "D" position

C234 D7-C9   voltage?


tired today... will drop lower dash again tomorrow and test unless something else is suggested...

 i have since also installed new positive and negative battery leads and cleaned grounds.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

after going back and again checking the items suggested by OHM (thank you!) the only other thing left was a TCU


I looked thru evilbay, and finally sourced a unit the seller indicated was working (he also offered a 'cheep' unit but stated "parts only). 

I communicated with them and he would not indicate 'that one' would be a good unit.  Not the 'best' of $$$ deals, but....

(if anyone knows of a decent supplier let me know I may buy a spare)


Item arrived 11/27 and today i installed, but before doing so re-checked voltages at C232,  pins C8 and C9

I did get voltage per the shift position, and I had backup lights..  so the NSS replacement was also a positive, but now even with

voltage at the pin with lever in D,  no shift, no start in 1


I R&R the TCU with the sourced unit, buttoned it up and knocked on some wood.


:banana::roflmao::applause:   hoo ray!


Have not given a long drive 'yet' but enough to know the vehicle starts moving in gear 1, and shifts on its own.

Road was blocked by utility construction, so my drive was cut short,  will give er a go a bit later today to test converter lockup


I want to extend a BIG  :thanks:  to OHM and others that responded to this thread.

Hope to repay the favor one day.




Edited by llhat
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