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Gauge cluster question

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So I found two differ gauge clusters for my 88 Automatic. Well the one i got thats full gauge 88 has no PRNDL clip wire. Well neither of em do. Ones differ speedometer cable but one has the right one. My question is…. I read somewhere if cable is not connected it won't drive? Is there a way to modify this….or DO i need the wire to show what gear I'm in? I mean…. Id LIKE to see the gear i am in…. But the one in dummy gauge rusted out and i rigged it…. So i still have to think what gear i am in….. orrrrrrrr does any body want a trade 😁


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You don’t need the cable to drive. It’s just an indicator. It clips to the column itself and just pulls the needle across when you shift.

If the original cable broke, as long as you can find a way to attach that cable to the column, you can install the prndl indicator to a new cluster. 




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