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Clutch pedal suddenly stiff?

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Ok I got one for you guys. Has me stumped but I have a couple ideas.


So Monday night I drove home, clutch pedal was normal and would go to the floor like it should. Come out Tuesday, hop in, start her up, release e-brake and put her in reverse and the pedal feels weird. Huh ok, I am still going into gear. Turn the lights on and the pedal isnt going to the floor. Ok thats a weird change...I can still drive like normal but what the hell would cause the sudden over night change? 


For those who dont know or remember, I swapped to the 84-86 external clutch set up. Not rocking the 84-90 internal. 

Now I did remove the fluid from the master and cleaned it out thinking I had some debris plugging the hole and nothing. 


My theories are:

The slave is over extended

Gunk in the slave

Orrr worst case is the clutch needs to be replaced but I did that a couple years ago at the same time I did the external slave swap. 

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4 hours ago, cruiser54 said:

Look up by the pivot point of the pedal and see if the weld has partially failed. 

Checks out. It’s still good. 
Now I can hear a tinging sound every time I do push on the clutch pedal. I crawled underneath and had my wife push on the pedal to recreate this sound and it confirms something has gone on with the slave cylinder. 

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Found my problem.

Its the clutch fork pivot. The plastic cone that goes on the end of the slave cylinder rod. The tip broke off and slid down and thus caused the slave cylinder to bascially max out. The tingging sound is the hydraulic cylinder hitting the retainer. For you 86 guys, if this happens, the pivot probably broke. 

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