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Just remember BCT (and to some extent AIT) are just a big head game to break everyone down so they can be rebuilt to all perform the same functions in the exact same way.  Everyone has a specific job to do, and your drill sergeant(s) job is to be a drill sergeant and teach you.  At the end of the day, they go home just like everyone else and take off the uniform.  Next morning, they come back into work and do it all over again.

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10 hours ago, mjeff87 said:

Just remember BCT (and to some extent AIT) are just a big head game to break everyone down so they can be rebuilt to all perform the same functions in the exact same way.




Unfortunately, your goal should be to remain "average." You definitely don't want to be Private Pyle*, but you also don't want to volunteer for anything or in any way give the appearance that you are trying to stand out or suck up to the DIs (Drill Instructors).


Actually, slightly better than average may be okay, but not stand-out. I have no idea how rank works in today's Army. I enlisted at the height of the Vietnam unpleasantness. I did well enough in Basic to make E2 upon graduation, and I did well enough in AIT to make E3 upon graduation. A lot of the guys didn't make E2 until they finished AIT.




* You do know who Private Pyle, is, right? I'm not talking about Gomer Pyle, USMC.


Fast forward to 02:50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTQAXX08A-s




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