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746 Injector o-rings

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I just need to replace o-rings on some 746 injectors.  The original Renix injectors had a larger size on the fuel rail and a smaller on the bottom, when doing the 746 injector do I use the same size o-ring on the top/bottom?


Can I pick the o-rings up at a parts store?


Here are the original ones...





I'm thinking I just need the BWD 274571, but cannot tell, seems like both are the same size.  The 746 injectors I have appear to have the same size o-ring on them.





Just making sure...  I know they are Bosch EV6, but that doesn't help me find them local.

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I did mine with the same size on both...  The ones I pulled out, and every set I've ever pulled, were all the same size.


As said, use lube.  Vaseline or DC-4 are my go to, but light oil would be fine, or Crisco if you're trying to relive the 70s.

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