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Rear main

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So ever since I put in my ax15 and put in a new RMS, it's leaked. I have to fill it up about once a week. I've replaced a few things like the oil filter gasket and the valve cover is only a few months old. There is no other leaks that I can see o the motor but I know that lots of things can look like the rear main as the motor tilts back. I'm just pretty sure it is becuase it wasn't leaking before I put in a new one and it is now. And when we put it in my dad and I were very careful not to strip of any of the rubber groove thing. I'm just wondering if there's anything else that y'all think it could be. I'm doing my front and rear axle swap next weekend and when I'm swapping in the front i thought I should fix it while it's accessible. Also other then just puting it in, is there any techniques or things to make sure it don't leak no more? Thanks

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When you put the RMS in:
1. Use dawn dish soap to lube up the gasket and hole (twss)
2. Make sure the 'grove' is facing toward the front of the motor
3. When you put the bottom piece of the RMS in lube it up with motor oil or MMO
4. Make sure the bearing isn't dry either but the contact points for the bottom RMS piece is

5. Use RTV on the outside side edges of the bearing cap (thing that holds the rear main seal bottom piece)
6. Hand tighten and let it sit for about an hour or so then torque to spec (think its 75lbs but double check)


Oil Pan Gasket
1. Clean the ever living crap out of the pan and the contact point on the motor. Clear all the old rtv off from the bolts, holes etc etc

2. Use a thin bead of RTV around the rear holes near where it dips in and the front around the outside 4 holes (best to google for a pic)
3. Have someone help you work it under the vehicle and get it up into position without the pan.
4. Hand tighten 2 screws in the middle and the 4 on each end.
5. Let it sit as long as you can then bolt the pan in. The RTV should hold the gasket in place.

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