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couple more questions

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my situation is my 1989 4.0 2wd standard is at someone elses house and I need to know what tools to bring there. I need to know what size the nut is that holds all the grounds to the dipstick tube stud. and also need to know what size torque the  intake hose is attached to the TB with. also need to know if I expose the TB for cleaning do I need to replace any gaskets.



This being said the reason I ask is because when the manche is driving and the clutch is pressed in it stalls. So I figured I would clean/ upgrade the engine to firewall ground, add a ground wire from the neg terminal to the radiator bracket and replace the ground wire for the fuel pump( which I might skip cause it starts and idles fine.Opinions welcome.) and clean the TB and hope the problem is fixed. If this doesnt fix the issue what direction should I turn to next.

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