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random shutoff and no power

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I was driving to work and randomly my jeep shut off and had no power, but the turn signals worked, some one stopped and gave me a jump and it started and I was able to finish the drive to work, as soon as I got to worked and turned it off, it had no power again, I touched the computer and it was really hot, any ideas



1986 jeep Comanche 2.5 cyl

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I would agree with a bad ground or maybe a bad or loose charge wire.  If the alternator tests fine, then it sounds to me like you have a draw on the battery greater than the alternator is outputting.  That would explain why it needs a couple of minutes on a jump before it will kick over.

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found out the red wire from the alternator to the positive of the battery was really small and had a splice in the middle that as just tapped, it was a corroded. so that most have been not letting the alternator charge the battery enough. Went though and replaced every battery cable possible with 0 gauge wire. works fine now 

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