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90 MJ 2.5 and 4x4 swap/upgrade

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I've read through several different 2.5-4.0 swap threads as well as the 2wd to 4wd threads but I still need some clarification.  I have a 90 2wd (Renix) 2.5 Comanche that has a beautiful interior and rust free exterior but it's underpowered.  I've found a 91 MJ 4.0 4x4 that is rusted to all get out but I can pick it up at a fair price.  My original plan was to pick up a 88-90 Renix Cherokee and do a complete swap Renix to Renix, which should be plug and play and make it easy on myself but I ran across the 91 MJ locally and I'm curious if I could just do a complete cross over swap Renix to HO if I used everything off of the 91.  In short, my question is for the guys who have done this swap before would it be wiser to stick with the 88-90 (Renix to Renix) swap or if I use everything from the 91 will the upgrade be just as easy going from the Renix to the HO.  Thoughts......... 

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You can remove the 91 dash harness and install it in your pristine dash. You will need to swap over the HO cluster as well.


I think you would be wise to go with the HO swap, especially with a complete, correct, donor sitting right there. You should have little to no fabrication and everything should fit like a glove. I believe using a Renix donor would require about the same amount of work.

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