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Please help with Horn Repair

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Horn was not working due to missing relay and connection at the horn. Installed new relay and made connection at horn, now horn stays on full time.


I removed the steering wheel to continue troubleshooting and noticed that the wire brass end with plastic spacer (photo) was not connected to the steering column (photo 2).

Please let me know where to attach the wire.


Also any advice you have towards the horn being stuck in the "on" position please let me know.


Thank you


Thank you

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The reason your horn was on is because that metal tip on the end of the wire was touching metal ground.If you notice that recessed hole directly below the is where it should go.

Maybe Hornbrod or one of the other members could post a illustrated parts diagram showing how it should be.

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Thank you guys for the replies.


Jimoshel the recessed hole you referenced (6 o'clock position) is the screw hole for the turn switch. Please explain how the ground lead mounts in this hole?


Hornbrod the horn does not come on with the ground wire removed. However, if I secure a lead to the steering wheel stud and with the other end of the wire tap the spring loaded pin in my second photo (2 o'clock position) I can replicate the horn function.


The picture you posted is helpful, but it does not show where to mount the brass end of the wire.


Thank you guys again

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