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Starter relay fried my radiator fan relay wire... or didn't?

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Hello to all,  I own an 88' 4.0 2x4 rwd comanche and i am a huge fan.  However as of late my comanche quit on me while I was on a fairly long drive and not sure what it is exactly.


My speculations are electrical.  I reviewed the wire diagram and found a crisped green wire leading to my radiator fan relay.  I tried re-splicing but wire keeps frying.  I've posted the diagram along with the specific wire I'm talking about.  I should also note that the Orange wire connected to the same link did not fry.


My question is where do I find the Radiator Relay and could it be possible that my fan $#!)/ the bed and is possibly drawing too much power?



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The fan circuit is tapped off before the starter relay, on the power input side. The starter relay didn't do anything.


My guess is that you are correct in thinking that the aux fan has died and is pulling too much current. That happened on my wife's 2000 XJ. I have no idea why or how it could happen, but the fan was locked up solid.

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