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Which tire would be best?

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Dick Cepek $290

Mickey Thompson MTZ $280

Deegan 38 $255


I'm in the Military and I sometimes have to do training that I have to drive to, is down dirt/mud/gravel roads. Most of the time, I will be driving on pavement. And on the weekends, it goes down mud, dirt, stone trails too, to get to fishing spots and camping...


I'm just wondering if any of yall have any of these tires, and wanting to know which would last the longest really.. these 3 tires are whats available to me right now and I'm thinking MTZ or D38.



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Although the Deegan is pretty new and doesn't have the track record of the others it sounds like it provides what you say you want from a tire and

at the best price. I have never owned either but I wheel with guys who have the MTZ. If you mean mud as in real "gonna eat your jeep" mud I would not recommend them from my observations. Thye are more like an aggressive A/T than a true M/T in that respect. 

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