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gauge cluster swap help.

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Did you change the oil pressure switch from a idiot light to a gauge? Don't use Teflon tape and make sure the plug at the sensor and back of the cluster is firmly seated / making good contact .

Yes I switched it, at least I told parts guy I needed it for gauges. I didn't use any tape. I used di elcotric grease on the connected in the back of cluster and got it in there as tightly as I could. Would the wrong oil pressure switch cause it to go all the way up? If so maybe he gave me wrong one.

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Need a new coolant temp SENDER, and a new oil pressure SENDER. Not a switch! Although, there could be a wiring issue perhaps. 

Unplug the connector from the oil sensor, start up the jeep. Oil gauge should be zero, (or pegged to the left). Now, ground the connector. You can do this while it is still running, . And it should peg to the right. 

Remember, just because a part is New, does not mean it can't be defective. Consider renting/buying a mechanical pressure gauge to see/confirm correct oil pressure. 

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