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1996 obd2 swap questions

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Well my comanche has been giving me problems for the last couple months, After countless hrs of trouble shooting and changing parts ive been debating on swapping out the harness.


I found a great deal on a 96 xj that would serve as the donor for the interior and engine harness


Parts already installed on current setup

1990 lwb pioneer 4.0 aw4 


1996 xj head

2001 intake and throttle body

1996 manifolds

96 booster



I know i will have swap the fuel pump and most of the sensors ect


My question is will i have to change my fly wheel, and will i be able to still use my aw4 trans and np231 t-case ( renix error ) if i swap over all the electrical, computers ect?



I know this will be alot of work doing the swap, but do not want the renix set up anymore


thanks input would be great





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Yes, the Renix flywheels and flex plates are different than the ones used by the H.O. / OBDII engines.  It's the spacing of the magnetic pulse ring teeth that's a bit different.  So yeah, as part of the swap, you'll want to use the H.O. / OBDII flywheel or flex plate........ I read that you said you'll be using an AW4 so you'll use a flex plate, not a flywheel.

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1996 was the transition year from OBD1 to OBD2. As such it had some unique sensors used only on the 1996 models. An example is the 96 MAP sensor (p/n 56028303) that has the OBD1 outputs to the ECU. So, if you use the 96 harness and ECU, be sure to use the matching 1996 sensors from the donor with it to avoid problems.

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